Duration: 1 day
Having an accessible venue is really important – but it is only part of the story. If you don’t market your accessibility to the right people in the right way all your hard work and investment could go to waste.
This programme guides you through the essential elements of marketing your accessibility from preparing an Accessibility Guide to promoting your offering effectively through your website, printed materials and social media.
The workshop will support you in developing a comprehensive plan to attract ‘The Purple Pound’: a market worth over £274 billion in the U.K.
This is one of the Foundation workshops for our Accessibility Champion programme.
By the end of the workshop you will have:
- A greater understanding of accessibility in the U.K.
- A greater understanding of what people with access needs are looking for
- An appreciation of the new Accessibility Guides and how to produce, prepare and promote them
- Understood the variety of channels that exist to enable you to market your accessibility including:
online resources, printed material, social media, awards and accolades - Developed a plan to market your accessible offering effectively
- Increased your knowledge and confidence in welcoming people with access needs
What do people say about this workshop?
“Learning about the Accessibility Guide and how to market it was invaluable.” (anon)
“I’ve come away with a much clearer idea of what our priorities need to be and the encouragement to keep going” (anon)
“Very inspirational – wonderful trainers with a wealth of experience.“ (anon)
“Excellent, really enjoyed it. Very relaxed.” (anon)
“I learned just how important it is to be clear and to let the customer decide whether you are right for them.” (anon)
“The course will really help me to put the emphasis on accessibility in my job.” (anon)
“The ability to share information and ideas was brilliant.” (anon)
“This course will put accessibility at the forefront of what we do…..there are so many opportunities.” (anon)
“I now have a really clear plan of the things I can do.”